While headstones are exceptionally durable, it’s important to bear in mind that they can and do deteriorate over time. Dirt may build up and encrust itself onto the marker, and weather conditions may cause the stone to slowly erode. That’s why Phillipsburg Memorial Company offers comprehensive headstone restoration in Phillipsburg, Warren County, and Lopatcong, NJ.
We’re proud to provide our clients with high-quality cleaning and restoration services. If the headstone of your loved one is no longer displaying their legacy and honoring their memory, it’s time to call one of our knowledgeable grave marker experts. We’ll help you clean the stone in question, and pursue the best possible course of care to ensure that the memory of your friend or family member lives on. We offer comprehensive restoration and cleaning services, including:
We will sandblast and stencil letter existing stones that are in need of a touch-up. We perform this on-site at the cemetery, so there’s no need to transport the stone to and from our location.
During the cleaning process, we pressure-wash the headstone with a specially formulated acid wash solution designed to prolong the lifespan of the natural granite. This cleaning process makes the stone look as good as new.
Due to the sensitive nature of cleaning and restoring existing headstones, we’re only capable of performing these tasks in the spring and fall. If you’re wanting to restore the headstone of your loved one, consider scheduling an appointment well in advance. We’ll be more than happy to answer any questions you may have about the care and recommended upkeep of the stone in question.
Restore Your Graves
If you’re ready to schedule a spring or fall headstone cleaning, contact one of our friendly and exceptionally knowledgeable representatives today at 908-454-2341. We’re proud to be the premier handler of headstone cleaning, bronze plaques, and laser etching in Phillipsburg, NJ.