Things to Consider Before Purchasing a Headstone
If you’re looking into headstones to purchase for yourself or for a recently departed loved one, you should know every cemetery will have its own specifications with regard to headstone and monument installation. You should have a copy of the rules for the cemetery before making your purchase so you ensure you comply with all the regulations.
Here’s a quick overview of some of the grave regulations in Phillipsburg, NJ that you should consider before purchasing a headstone:
- Get copies of regulations: Get a written copy of all the rules and regulations for your chosen cemetery. You will likely receive one when you purchase a plot, but if not, you should contact the administration at the cemetery and ask for a copy for your records. The cemetery is required by law to provide such information upon request.
- Plot information: You must know the kind of plot you have if you are to choose an appropriate headstone. Common plot types include single, companion, cremation and baby plots. This will help you determine the size of the headstone.
- Size requirements: Know the size constraints you must work within so you can select an option at the right size and price point.
- Material: Some cemeteries will have requirements regarding marker materials. Granite and bronze are popular choices. You should consider whether you’ll need any kind of base for a bronze marker, which is occasionally required. Usually you’ll either get a granite base, or the bronze marker would be set into cement by the cemetery.
- Photographs: If you’re interested in putting pictures on the memorial, you should check the rules to make sure photographs are allowed. You should also check if there are any rules regarding color versus black and white photos.
- Colors: Granite and bronze can come in different colors and finishes. Some cemeteries will have rules about the kinds of colors that are or are not allowed, and it may be entirely dependent on the location of your plot.
- Edge rules: In some cases, cemeteries have rules regarding the type of edge used for the marker or headstone. Common types of edges include a two-inch bevel, a two-inch sanded border, a two- or three-inch cement border or a lawn mower-proof edge.
- Paperwork: Do you need to fill out and file any paperwork with the cemetery before your marker can be delivered and installed? Some cemeteries will have authorization and setting forms, as well as concrete border and photo release forms. If you do not fill out the proper forms, the cemetery may reject your marker delivery until you’re able to complete the paperwork, so it’s a good idea to get this done as soon as possible so you get all the proper information on file and don’t have to worry about it later.
These are just a few examples of some of the most important considerations to factor into your headstone purchase. For more information about cemetery rules and regulations in Phillipsburg, NJ and how they will affect your marker choice, contact Phillipsburg Memorial Company today.
Categorised in: Headstone