Blog | Phillipsburg Memorial Company - Part 25

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Tips for Choosing a Memorial Inscription

February 27, 2020

Times are tough after the passing of a loved one. The last thing you want to think about while grieving is memorial stone inscriptions in Phillipsburg, NJ. Though you don’t want to rush it, the task will need to be done sooner rather than later. That’s where we can help—follow the tips below to help come up with a beautiful inscription: Take your time: As we just mentioned above, it’s vital that you take some time to purchase the right headstone, let alone come up with an inscription. There’s nothing wrong with waiting a few months or even a year... View Article

The Difference Between Engraving and Etching

February 15, 2020

Headstones are a meaningful tribute to people who have passed away. The process of designing a headstone can be emotional, but extremely rewarding when you feel as though you’ve created a design that is a worthy remembrance of your loved one. However, with all the choices you have available in the design process, it might be a bit overwhelming at first to pick all of the specifications and options you want. One of the biggest choices you’ll need to make is whether you’ll have the headstone engraved or etched. Despite some people mistakenly equating these two, headstone etching and headstone... View Article

Can You Make Additions to an Existing Memorial?

February 1, 2020

After you have buried a family member and created a memorial for them in the form of a headstone or other type of structure, you might someday decide you wish to add more information to that memorial. Perhaps the headstone is already in place and waiting for a family member, which means you’ll need to add final dates to the headstone. You might also wish to add names of relatives, prayers, meaningful quotes or other types of personalized designs. In any circumstance, you should be able to make these additions relatively easily. Here’s what you should know about editing your... View Article

Tips for Cleaning a Memorial

January 22, 2020

Many people find that visiting their loved ones’ graves brings them a sense of peace and connection to the departed person. Part of that peace comes from a well-maintained grave, as opposed to walking up, seeing an unkempt or possibly even broken marker and feeling that no one cares. As a monument maker in Phillipsburg, NJ, we often have clients asking us about the best way to keep a memorial clean and maintained. Depending on the type of headstone, your cleaning method will be different. Bronze markers Bronze markers should be cleaned twice a year to keep the protective coating... View Article

What Material Is Recommended for a Memorial Marker?

January 8, 2020

Headstones and cemetery markers are a common sight in Western cemeteries. Whether vertical tombstones with elaborate etching or simple in-ground bronze markers, many people look for markers that will stand the test of time. After all, it is a way to honor a loved one’s life, as we hope that they will remain in the collective memory for a long time. If you’ve ever been to a historic cemetery, you’ve seen how the ravages of time have had an effect on stone monuments: some are barely legible after centuries of being exposed to the elements. While still beautiful, they no... View Article