Blog | Phillipsburg Memorial Company - Part 15

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What Are the Different Types of Headstones?

March 14, 2022

When a family member or a loved one passes on, ensuring that the burial arrangements are noble is vital. Choosing the appropriate headstone is more critical as it acts as the permanent memory of the diseased.  What is a headstone?  A headstone, also known as tombstone, gravestone, monument, or grave marker, is a stone slab, usually made from marble or granite fixed at the head of somebody’s grave. It typically has the deceased’s date of birth, date of death inscribed, and name. A headstone also often contains epitaphs, poems, artwork, family members’ names, etc.  What are the different types of headstones­... View Article

How Do Green Cemeteries Work?

February 28, 2022

When you think of a funeral service, you probably think of a body in a casket that’s eventually lowered into the ground. You probably think of this because it’s been a standard burial practice for hundreds of years in the Western world. But as climate change progresses, people in every industry are questioning how they can make their work more sustainable. This applies to professionals in the funeral industry, too. Alternative and green burial options are growing in popularity every year. This could be something as common as cremation, but another option is a natural burial in a green cemetery.... View Article

Tips for Planning a Graveside Burial

February 14, 2022

Working to plan an end-of-life service that feels befitting of a loved one can be a difficult task—one that is even harder because you must make all these decisions in the midst of great grief. If you just lost someone you love and are struggling to navigate these decisions, taking a step back and seeking input may help you along the way. If you’re planning to hold a graveside funeral for your loved one, this article is for you. Below we’ll provide tips on how to plan the graveside funeral service you want to provide your loved one and offer... View Article

Headstone, Gravestone or Tombstone: What’s The Difference?

January 31, 2022

Do you know the difference between a headstone, gravestone or tombstone? These terms are used interchangeably to refer to grave markers, but there used to be distinct differences between them. Here’s an overview of what these terms mean. Rest assured that when you’re purchasing headstones for graves today, your memorial stone manufacturer will walk you through your options. Tombstones and gravestones Traditionally, tombstones and gravestones refer to large stone slabs that were placed on the top of tombs or graves, which secured the grave from grave robbers and other intruders (natural or otherwise). The word “gravestone” dates back to the... View Article

Headstone Inscription Tips

January 17, 2022

Being tasked with handling the process of choosing a headstone inscription can feel like a lot of pressure. After all, it’s a monument to your loved one, which will last decades (perhaps even centuries) after they pass away. What should you include in your gravestone inscription? Here’s a quick guide to creating the right inscription for your loved one: Double check the information: Typos, wrong dates and even wrong names can ruin a headstone. Above all, when creating a headstone inscription, make sure you double check the information you’re providing. Ask a few loved ones to review the inscription and... View Article